Program and Curricula Development
National Family Preservation Network: contributed information, ideas and activities to the NFPN “Fatherhood Training” package supplement for child welfare professionals. The focus of the supplement is to expand on the principles, policies, and practices presented in the original training curriculum regarding how to engage fathers in their children’s lives.
North Carolina Association of County Directors of Social Services: sponsored by the Domestic Violence and Department of Social Services Community Partnership, contributed to a 3-day domestic violence training program for CPS workers based on the new NC domestic violence policy.
Wake County Women’s Prison: created a 16 session parenting curriculum and reinstatement course for prison MATCH (mother and their children).
Safe Start: provided input into training modules regarding child development and effects of trauma on children and families; created and taught a training seminar on single-subject research design, provided technical assistance to direct service providers; consultation to program coordinator and community outreach workers.
Training Seminars
Each seminar is uniquely designed for its audience and includes the latest research and information on general child development and parenting literature including early brain development, parent-child relationships, attachment, abuse and neglect, social, cultural and gender issues, and family life.
to schools on behavior management for the classroom, conflict resolution, and building a positive peer culture; procedural and organizational policy regarding best interest of children; program development and evaluation (curricula, needs assessments, focus groups, round table discussions); grant writing. BND also provides consultation to clinicians and mental health professionals regarding child development, traumatized children, and interventions. BND advocates a team approach to working with children and families, not just in terms of case management but in terms of providing multimodal interventions and therapeutic treatments.
(Organizational and Family) – case management conflict, permanency planning, family group decision making, intra and interagency disputes, birth and adoptive family visitation agreements; divorce – financial, custody & visitation agreements.
Expert Testimony
in all areas regarding child development and family life; specializing in foster/adopted children, affects of separation/loss and abuse/neglect on child development, attachment issues and other social/ emotional issues associated with foster/adopted children; best interest of the child regarding custody, visitation, etc.
Brand New Day Consulting Just For Families Services for Agencies Seminars News Articles BND Publishing
Brand New Day Consulting
27 12 Quakenbush Rd.
Snow Camp, NC
336-376 8366 * 336-376-9674 (fax)
[email protected]